By Clayton Wambu
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… there lived five brave warriors. There was also someone who wanted to rule the galaxy, that someone was known as Darth Vader. Vader worked with a cloned army and his brother, Darth Maul. The warriors called themselves, Jedi. In our universe, there’s something known as the Force (they couldn’t think of a better name for it). The Force was split into two parts, the Light and the Dark. The Jedi were on the Light side of the Force, while Darth Vader, his Stormtroopers and Darth Maul, were on the Dark side. Jedi used Lightsabres and blasters, while the Empire used blasters and stun weapons. The only thing they both used, was the Force. It could allow them to levitate things and see both the past and the future. The Jedi were Clay Skywalker, Easoda, Chris Solo, Tybacca and Obi-Wan Kelobi.… Continue Reading …